To Jeff Fritz,

I just felt compelled to send you a note thanking you for your candor lately. I know it's not easy to question the establishment and the common knowledge in this industry, but you manage to keep doing it and survive. Your recent column regarding CES is painfully spot on, sadly so.

I do enjoy reading your articles. The SoundStage! Network is about the only publication [group] I'll actively seek out anymore. And it has everything to do with your candor and honesty. You really do understand what's really going on. You are seemingly unafraid to call BS when you see it. And you seem to still be seeking real fidelity, rather than just giving it lip service. I appreciate all of this. But I really appreciate that, unlike me, you're still willing to endure all the BS on a day-to-day basis. I appreciate that because it gives me something to read and be reminded that not all is lost.
