To Jeff Fritz,

I was indeed surprised and elated that you have voted the Gryphon Mephisto as the most expensive amp you would like to own. I can't agree with you more. Match it with its preamp, the Pandora, and you would be even more surprised at how good it can get.

I am writing to you to also suggest that you have a listen to the CH Precision C1 and D1; they have appointed a new distributor in the US. I would like to hear your views on that pair.

Magico Q5
CH Precision C1 and D1
Gryphon Mephisto and Pandora
Kubala Elation interconnects and speaker cables
Gryphon VIP power cables on Gryphon equipment


I have indeed heard very good things about the CH Precision equipment. Doug Schneider and I will be covering the Munich High End show next week and will see if we can track this company down to have a chat with them about potential reviews. Although I would love to hear their equipment in my system, the products seem a bit elusive at this point, at least in North America. Hopefully they will be at the show.

Regarding Gryphon, I did get word last week that I will be receiving a Mephisto for review. Look for an article to appear in late summer in my "The World's Best Audio System" column. . . . Jeff Fritz