To Jeff Fritz,

At the beginning, I want to thank you. In my opinion you are the best and most truthful reviewer in the world and I know that many people appreciate it.

I have a pleasant problem. I've listened, a few times, to the Magico Q7 and I know that I don't want anything else. But, my listening room is only 325 sq. ft. Well, the choice is simple -- [the Magico] Q3 model. But I have another dilemma: what amp would be best? Is the Gryphon Mephisto an exaggeration based on my room? On the other hand, I want to have the best possible sound.


Thank you so much for your kind words. I don’t deserve that sort of praise, but am surely glad you enjoy my writing. I'm also glad to have steered you in the direction of some truly fine gear that will make an outstanding system.

I think the Magico Q3 would be a terrific match to your room size. Pay extra close attention to speaker placement and get as close to a symmetrical setup as you can. Your efforts will be greatly rewarded if you do.

It is true that you need a really good amplifier with plenty of current capability to maximize the Q3's potential. The Mephisto would be ideal, yes, but short of that I also think the Gryphon Antileon Signature Stereo would make a fine power plant. It's less money, and perhaps a touch warmer sounding, but it will absolutely control the Q3 and drive it to its full potential in terms of SPL, bass depth and control, etc.

If you are able to hear this combination please do let me know your thoughts. I'd certainly be happy with a Magico/Gryphon pairing myself. In fact, I can't imagine anyone not falling hard for that sound! . . . Jeff Fritz