PBN is great, but what about FM Acoustics?
December 31, 2009
To Garrett Hongo,
I write to you from Denmark and I am the lucky owner of the
PBN Mini-Olympia and Olympia-L that you
tested in May 2008. I tell you those amps beat everything I ever had in my system
regardless of price, and Ive had a lot of equipment through the years: Burmester,
MBL, Classé, ML, Vitus, Gryphon, Gamut, and even BAlabo (too expensive). The PBN AX is
better than BAlabo. But have you ever heard the new amps from FM Acoustics? People say
they sound very good, but I dont know. I really hope to hear from you Mr. Hongo.
Kind regards from Denmark,
Michael Bladt
Im so glad youre enjoying those two PBN
electronic components -- I agree with you!
I have heard an FM Acoustics 411 stereo amp, but
Im not a follower of that line, sorry to say. When I heard it, it was with a BAT
preamp, Dynaudio monitor speakers, and a BAT CDP. The sound was dynamic, detailed, smooth,
grainless, and resolving. All one could ask for really. And I played some tough music -- a
20-voice choir singing Thomas Talliss "Spem in Alium." That performance
was on a Sony CD by the Huelgas Ensemble on a disc entitled Utopia Triumphans. It
was my "crusher" track that I play once a system impresses me. This one
certainly did. . . . Garrett Hongo
Wilson and Magico: old versus new?
December 21, 2009
It seems like Magico, being the new kid on the block, is
garnering more attention than many of the older, more established speaker brands such as
Wilson. I hardly hear anything about the new Sasha speakers, for example, but am hearing
more and more about the new Magico models, especially their new Q series. Are these new
Magicos that good, or is it a case of just "new" being what people are talking
There is no question that people like talking about
whats new and hot. Audiophiles have always done this and there has always been a
tendency to jump on the bandwagon, especially when a new company seems hot.
Ive always tried to take the middle ground. I
would not ignore what the older, more established companies are producing. Many of them
have good track records and their latest offerings might be their best. However, I would
also investigate the new guy. Sometimes groundbreaking products come from the newcomer,
where fresh ideas and a sense of invention rule the day. As for Magico and Wilson, if I
were in the market for one of these speakers there are certainly places you can hear them
-- perhaps not side by side, but maybe at least within the same town. Listen and pick what
you like best. Id not let the age of the company sway me too much either -- both of
these companies are likely to be around tomorrow to service what they sell. . . . Jeff
No complaints here . . .
December 11, 2009
I was thoroughly surprised when I saw that your December
1st posting was the new 2009 SoundStage! Network Equipment Buying Guide. I just loved
going through the listings, even for the components that I have no interest in. "The
gist" in some cases was quite funny, particularly the one accompanying the Sherwood
DVD player. I couldnt agree more! I would like to add one if I may: you could call
the Paradigm Signature Sub 2 "Kitou," which is a six-eyed cartoon monster. That
fits perfectly! Thanks again for the wonderful new feature.
Complaints . . .
December 9, 2009
I could not help but be drawn in by the title of your
latest think piece, "Addressing a Complaint." I normally dont read those, as I
stick to the equipment reviews mostly, and then only if it is a product that interests me.
But when I read the article I could not help but be glad that your mum raised the issue
and your company addressed it. The SoundStage! Network site is very good indeed and it does
improve greatly on the ability to find what you are looking for. The 2009 SoundStage!
Network Equipment Buying Guide is a nice addition, though I would like to see it cover
even more products. I was particularly amused by some of the comments that I read in
there. Overall, very nice indeed. Hopefully you will only get compliments now, and can be
done with the complaints!